Monday, December 15, 2008

...Liah Liah EVERYWHERE!!

Liah has finally decided it is time to learn to walk and MAN is she EVERYWHERE!! She started out trying a few steps as we bribed her with her favorite blanket. Now she walks from one piece of furniture to the next!

Just as she is learning to walk, she is deciding as well to venture to the stairs and somehow climb them without anyone seeing here. Most of the time the gate is up to block her from getting to the stairs. But sometimes we just FORGET!

Once we noticed she was missing because we didn't hear her making any noise. We started calling her name and sure enough she had climbed the stairs and we found her in the boys room playing with their toys.

1 comment:

Tara said...

fun for you! i'm dreading the day this happens in our house!!! parker just started crawling and he crawls better and better everyday...ahhhh!