Thursday, August 14, 2008

Isaac lovin' the soccer!!!

Gabriel has never been one to enjoy organized sports. He would rather socialize on the sidelines!! Isaac, however, may be my one hope for a sports fan! He had his first ever soccer practice and seem to LOVE it. I was so excited that he was actually practicing the whole time and not sitting on the ground or on the sidelines talking to parents. His coach is experienced yet realizes they are kids and not college athletes which is great!! He got them together and told them he has two rules. The first is to always listen when he is talking. And the second was to always have fun! I thought that was perfect! I couldn't have said it better.

He loved talking to the ball as he kicked it down the field and into the goal. You could hear him saying "I'm gonna get you ball!...You get in there!...Take that you!...HI-YAH!" This was HILARIOUS!! Mind you all the parents heard him as well. Check it out...again, make sure you turn off the music :)

He was listening intently as his coach was teaching him the basics :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

SO Stinkin' cute!! I could hear him saying all those things before I realized it was a video! LOL I wonder if he will play against Emily's team? That would be toooo fun to watch! :)