Well, the postings for our trip to North Dakota will be coming in waves. There are many things to report and many other things that have been left undone since we have been gone so I HAVE to get some of those done in between.
We went to a park to have a family picture taken and of course our kids WOULD NOT cooperate!! grrrr!! Gabriel and Isaac only wanted their picture taken while climbing on some posts that were around the waterfall...since THAT had to wait until the organized picture-of course-Gabriel made it difficult. When it was finally time to take the picture-HE wanted-this is what we got!! I know!! True to form!!
Also, the photographer LOVED this picture so much that he ask us to release it to him to use for competitions, his portfolio, or whatever he wanted. While we were flattered, we still had reservations as to how our child's picture could be used. THANKS to Seth-who is an expert in this area-we were promptly informed of all our options and the possibilities--i.e. we could see him on a billboard someday regarding ANYTHING...we became a little concerned to just sign away the rights to a picture of our son so we asked for some time to think about it and then forgot about it all together!!! Thus it is still 50% ours and 50% his!! We just appreciate the fact that he was able to get this picture for us b/c it is sooooo Gabriel!!!
1 comment:
OH that picture is SO GREAT!!!! You should get that framed! hehe
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