This past weekend was my dad's birthday. Many of you may not know the circumstances under which he died in 2003 but I do want you to know what I great man he was to me along with many others. He was extremely smart and was very talented as well. He was always willing to go to his church and work on the building's plumbing or other work. He was always helping others with house projects among other things. As I grew up he was always teaching me any skill he knew such as carpentry, plumbing, auto mechanics, just to name a few. You name it and he thought his little girl should know how to do it too! This actually makes me laugh when I think of it because I often found myself making repairs that other boys couldn't in high school and now I find myself fixing things at my mom's house or my own because I don't want to wait for a man to get to it. haha I love that my dad raised me to be a hard worker and to believe I can accomplish anything. I love my dad and I know that someday I will understand why. I miss him more than words can ever explain.
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