Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finally...A little relief!!

Well, for those who are keeping up...we have had colic for 8 weeks and guess is starting to subside! I am so grateful. Liah is able to have some relief with some acid reflux meds and the colic, still present, is becoming less of an issue. She smiles and is cooing...much better than the screaming don't you think? I will post a picture when I can get one of the smile. It is just nice to have normality again.
Isaac on the other hand has had two ear infections and the meds wouldn't clear it up after a week so we had to opt for the S-H-O-T. Not cool, I know. He is on the upswing and life in the Taylor house is getting to be a little more calm :)


Beth said...

YAY!! I'm so glad to hear that the colic is beginning to subside. I can't imagine your relief! She's beautiful either way. I know this has to have been a LONG 8 weeks for you, and I'm thrilled that things are calming down a bit!

Kristalyn said...

Hooray! I'm glad that Liah is starting to feel better! Mason gets double ear infections a lot, too, those are no fun. I didn't even know that they had a shot for those!