Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wow...they grow up fast...

So Gabriel headed off for kindergarten testing and much to my surprise...I had a moment. I really didn't expect to feel the way I did because he was JUST going to testing but MAN!! Taking him to school and realizing that he was growing up struck me!

It seems like yesterday that I got married and found myself juggling being a wife, a new mom 1 year later, and being a full-time student. I think about the good times I had then and how simple things where as well. When I look at Gabriel, I see myself in so many ways!! I started looking through some photos of him and wanted to share a few. However, I will be sharing more!! I love this little boy!!!


Hannah said...

OK since I can't leave a shout out on the song post I will leave a shout for both here :)

First, the song is adorable and I'm so glad my kids aren't the only ones who randomly brake out into songs from Primary. I actually like that they do that! Just maybe not so much in the grocery store...that can be a bit awkward...LOL

Second, I am totally with you on the whole kindergarten thing. I am basically just going to be a wreck every year on the first day. period.

Meg said...

I agree they grow up fast. I think I will have a moment when Lexie starts school. I still have another year and am so glad. She is old enough to go to preschool but unfortunately here in LA preschools are quite expensive. For two days a week for 2 hours it is $241. Then we don't qualify for the state preschools. So I am going to be her teacher. Hopefully it will work out. But I am glad to have her for another year.

Jenn said...

Hannah-In regards to breaking out in song...maybe we should both just admit that our kids do this because WE do this at home...admit it? I will :)

Meg-WOW!! That's crazy expensive!! I am sure you will do fine...just treasure the time. That sounds corny but I'm serious :)