I know!! I have not been keeping up with the posting on our family. I apologize. We have been busy. I was helping take care of my uncle who was in the hospital for a week and the next week I got really sick because of staying at the hospital many late nights many days of the week. We are finally back on track from all the crazy life.
The boys were playing outside with Adam in the first picture. He would hold them up after he threw the ball in the air and let them head it with their head. They thought it was hilarious.

The second picture is Isaac in dad's new sleeping bag. Adam has been doing a lot with scouts and getting a new goody i.e. sleeeping bag was lots of fun for the boys. Gabriel is hiding inside the left side but didn't want to pose for the pic.
With all of this, we are still preparing to have a little girl in the family in Dec. I feel better now than the previous 6 months. It was rough but a new found energy and cooler air seems to have made a difference. I am finally getting excited for a new little girl. It will be fun and I know the boys and dad will love her to pieces :)